Friday, July 31, 2009

Limits of Human Dignity and Decency

Recently appointed prime minister of Croatia, Jadranka Kosor, urged one of the local branches of RTL television network to fire one of their cameraman for wearing highly insulting t-shirt while recording the latest parliament session. The prime minister said that "all of the representatives are democratically elected to represent the people of Croatia, that they are performing very responsible and selfless public work and that she will not allow individuals to insult them". The TV station promptly fired their cameraman, in spite of the critiques and protests of journalist associations and other organizations. The cameraman tried to explain himself by stating that this was the only clean shirt he had and that he bought it at the stand in USA. It figures.
By the way, prime minister Kosor, when she was appointed a few weeks ago due to the resignation of the officially elected prime minister, was "accused" of having Serbian descent, so leave it to the Serbs to be the everlasting keepers of tradition, morality and human decency.

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